It tends to be one of the greatest LP gas distributors in Brazil. Ranging from families to big manufacturing companies, the brand offers products which are used in houses, small businesses facilities, factories and other places that require gas as an energy source.
Before a positive and in development scenario, our mission was developing solutions capable of:
We created three aplications that were integrated one another: app, sales branches system and administration center.
The app developed for Supergasbras allows any person located in the company operational covering area orders gas for his/her kitchen with a few clicks.
However, the company counts on over 11 thousand sales branch partners spread all over Brazil. In order to guarantee each customer was redirected to a distributor able to provide him/her the service, we headed to the next solution.
An application able to process all the orders and redirect each one of them for the ideal sales branch. This online application dismisses every kind of facility and is integrated to a territory management system which guarantees the sales brach strategic distribution, respecting the acting map of each one of them.
It allows Super Team to manage in a strategic way all the logistics distribution in the company and collects relevant data to analyze statistics about customers orders, keeping the customer service quality.
Besides, in order to enhance the efficiency of this management system, we integrated a communication API to it by voice, which calls a sales branch, in case the customer waiting time overpasses the usual.